Intro to the newsletter

To connect the dots

Hey there and Happy New Year. As we kick off 2024, we are launching our first newsletter! Really excited about that as it was in the plans for such a long time. So, let’s dive right in!

Today in a nutshell:

In this pilot issue, I am going to tell you a bit about the newsletter sections and explain how they connect to our definition of the good life. The newsletter sections are:

  • Today’s insight

  • No-code, no problem

  • Bits and bobs

  • Corner of the world

Feel free to reply to this email - we look forward to hearing your thoughts!

— Sofia


Image on Unsplash

Onwards to the good life. Now, that is a name for a newsletter.

It may not be completely apparent to you how this newsletter is associated with the good life, and that’s okay. Our definition of the good life may be entirely different from yours. Even if our definitions match, the path that leads there may be entirely different from ours.

Let me explain.

A good life is one where you don't just coast through things but actively think about and have opinions on stuff.

It could be about work, family, the world, or whatever's on your mind. It's about processing what's happening around you, trying to figure it out, and sharing that with others.

This section is all about that—insights.

A story, an observation, a past or present experience that grabbed our attention, an experiment we ran that was successful or failed, and how we tried to make sense of it.


I have a background in software engineering.

Traditionally, I have been working with code - lots of it.

The problem is that when you focus too much on the trees, you miss out on the forest.

Nick and I, both software engineers, have discussed this extensively. Spending too much time on detailed code can stop you from building a more holistic solution to a problem within a sensible timeframe.

We also couldn’t help but notice that no-code and low-code platforms have been growing stronger.

No-code platforms allow us to build automations, websites, apps, e-commerce stores, and anything else you can imagine. Similarly, low-code platforms use minimal code for the same purpose.

It's no longer a requirement to know a programming language to build things on your own. All you need is to understand some basic concepts.

The whole no-code/low-code concept is brilliant. App development is moving towards higher levels of abstraction. Why not ride the wave?

The greatest thing about it is that you can focus more on the design of the product you want to build and less on the underlying details. I find this personally liberating because you can maintain a consistently “zoomed out” view throughout the product lifecycle.

For a long time, Nick and I have toyed with the idea of building various products. Lots of ideas, not much free time to build.

Since working on our terms is part of the definition of the good life for us, it only made sense to give no-code a go.

A very powerful web app building platform that has caught our eye is Bubble. I am going to write a lot of content on Bubble, especially as I explore its various features.

And what is the best way to learn something? Consume content and tutorials. And build. And then teach.

So stay tuned; there will be a lot going on in this section this year.

No-code, no problem.


This is probably the most straightforward section.

Here, I will discuss interesting content that we came across. It can be anything from tweets, posts, YouTube videos, or anything else.

Nick and I both enjoy consuming interesting content that entertains, teaches, or makes us think.

In other words, content that makes us 1% better every day, and that is what a good life should be spent on: becoming the best versions of ourselves.


Give me the map, and I will show you where I want to go. (Warning: it may be everywhere and all places at the same time!)

Travel to and work from wherever our hearts desire. This is really close to our hearts. We love visiting and reading about new places.

There is something about traveling that cannot be matched by any other experience. Exploring unfamiliar landscapes, immersing ourselves in diverse cultures, and meeting people from all walks of life create memories that last a lifetime. Travel opens minds, broadens perspectives, and enriches souls in ways that no textbook or classroom ever could.

At the moment, we’re at Level 1, where we are having standard-annual-leave-duration trips. Our goal is, in the near future, to level up and experience mini-retirements (we totally love the concept - thank you, Tim Ferriss) or work from different countries for variable amounts of time.

So, this section is about places we have visited or places we want to visit.

From our perspective.

That’s all for today and thank you for reading!

All the best,

Sofia & Nick